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The cartridge contains a mixture of high quality ceramic balls of natural origin, which have been known and utilized in Far East medicine since ages. Appropriate mixture of media has three functions, i.e. alkalizes, mineralizes and ionizes treated water. Consumption of such water has beneficial influence on our health.
Alkaline and ionized water with low ORP (oxidtion-reduction potential) is a perfect radical scavenger. Free radicals are the main cause of cancer growth and are responsible for accelerated aging process.
Alkaline water can act as a hyperacidity remedy and is easily absorbed by cells.
L-YOUNG is also effective mineralizer. Contact with ceramic media (thanks to a natural occuring phenomenom – diffusion) enriches water with various micro- and macroelements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium, iron, etc. crucial for proper organism functioning.
L-YOUNG was designed to assure quick and easy installation and replacement, without any sophisticated tools. The size of media was chosen to assure longer contact with water and to maximize filter performance.
This cartridge is perfect as a post-filter in both reverse osmosis and direct-flow systems.