Testing well water before selecting a water treatment system. What water parameters are necessary?

on August 17, 2023

If you have your own well, you have certainly made a good investment. Very often such a well is a necessity, because the local water supply is not available, or its connection is very expensive. But sometimes we opt for well water as an alternative to the increasingly expensive city or municipal water.

Regardless of what type of well you have, it is worth remembering one thing: the responsibility for the quality of the water is entirely up to you. Using municipal water, we do not have to worry about the basic parameters of water quality, as they are tested and corrected by the water supplier and must comply with standards. The situation is completely different with a domestic well water intake.  Considering the fact that the water will be of good quality, because it looks clean and clear can be very illusory. While some impurities are indeed visible (such as colour or turbidity), most dissolved compounds in the water can only be determined by professional laboratory testing.

Why is it essential to test water from your own well?

First: You are protecting the health of yourself, your family and other users.

Many pollutants are highly harmful and yet very common. As an example, we can mention nitrates, which come from fertilizers used in agriculture. The negative impact of such compounds on health is enormous, especially for the youngest. Such compounds contribute to brain disorders and can cause avitaminosis and anaemia. In addition, they show mutagenicity and are responsible for the formation of carcinogenic compounds (nitrosamines).

Second: Water quality is changing.

Well water is subject to the same changes as everything else around us. Of course, much depends on the quality of the well's workmanship, its depth, the quality of the soil and other factors, but the fact that water quality changes is a fact. Such changes are influenced not only by industrial development and general environmental pollution. It's also ordinary hydrological factors or periodic pollution of the water source.

Third: Protect household appliances.

Surely, you've already heard about the harmful effects of calcium carbonate on the heating system, the effects of acidic water on the oxidation of copper plumbing, and many similar situations. But these are things that affect us only after several years of using water of inadequate quality. On the other hand, what can turn out to be a very unpleasant surprise is, for example, freshly removed laundry from the washing machine, which turns out yellow instead of white....

What water parameters to examine?

The general rule: the more knowledge, the better. However, if you do not want to test dozens of water quality parameters, then perform a basic test that will not only determine the quality of the water, but also allow you to choose the appropriate method of water treatment.

Below are the essential water quality parameters to be performed and a brief description to justify performing such a test:

Iron content

Iron is found in most well waters. It occurs in various forms and may not be visible for the first hours after pouring water. It is very harmful to our health and household appliances. It causes yellow, hard-to-remove stains on laundry and sanitation. The standard is 0.2 mg Fe/l.

 Manganese content

This element is particularly dangerous, often found together with iron. Its excess can lead to the development of mental illness, apathy, or irritability. It causes black deposits in the installation and practically irreversibly destroys fittings. The standard is 0.05 mg Mn/l. 

Oxidizability (permanganate index).

High oxidizability of water blocks the operation of some water treatment deposits. This has a significant impact on the choice of water treatment method, especially if there are iron and manganese compounds in the water. The standard stipulates a maximum of 5 mg O2/l.

 pH level

It is worth seeing that many undesirable compounds in the water (including iron and manganese) can be effectively removed only at the appropriate, fairly high pH level. The range of pH levels according to the standard: 6,5 - 9,5.


Has a significant impact not only on the visual assessment of water quality, but also on the choice of treatment method, as it indicates the content of other undesirable elements in the water. The standard is 15 mg Pt/l.


Excessive turbidity causes poor taste and appearance of water. It can indicate the content of microorganisms, organic compounds, the presence of iron and a whole range of other contaminants. The norm: up to 1 NTU.


They have a harmful effect on the human body. Excessive content leads to cancer of the stomach and urinary tract. Standard: up to 50 mg/L.


Reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, blocking the operation of filter beds. Ammonium nitrogen (ammonia) should not exceed 0.5 mgNH4+/dm³. Its presence can be the result of sewage contamination of the water.


Harmful to humans and animals. The most common cause of bacteria in well water is biological waste and leaking septic tanks. It is estimated that 80 percent of domestic wells contain coliforms, Escherichia coli and faecal streptococci. The standard: 0 cfu/ml. Bacteria in water intended for drinking purposes can cause a number of dangerous diseases or poisoning.


Excessive content of calcium carbonate destroys fittings and heating system. Standard: none

 Hydrogen sulphide

Causes an unacceptable smell of water (rotten eggs). It is closely related to the content of iron and manganese and determines the choice of water treatment method. Standard: none


According to the regulations, the limit for phosphates is 5 mg/L P2O5. Their excessive content blocks the operation of some filter beds, so knowing the phosphate content of the water determines the choice of water treatment method.

Of course, a number of other water tests can be performed if you want your knowledge to be much broader than basic. Above we have outlined those absolutely necessary elements that will allow our specialists to choose the right water treatment method, and the well water user to enjoy clean and healthy water.

If you need more information, please contact us.